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Services we offer

Clinical psychology

General and Clinical Psychology

We provide individual psychological sessions for youth (16+), adults, and older adults and may incorporate approaches such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and schema therapy. Our clinicians are experienced in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of emotional, interpersonal, and psychological issues, including:

  • Anxiety and phobias

  • Mood disorders

  • Sleep disorders

  • Post traumatic stress and complex trauma

  • Biplolar disorder

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • 'Personality disorders'

  • Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

  • Psychotic illnesses

  • Adjusting to chronic medical conditions and acquired brain injury

  • ADHD, learning disorders, Autism/autism spectrum disorders

Referral is usually via your doctor but you can also self-refer. Medicare rebates apply if your GP or psychiatrist refers you on a mental health care plan. Private health rebates may apply, but please check with your health care fund. For more information about costs and rebates see our Fees page.


Art Therapy​

Art therapy uses creative processes, including pieces of art created in therapy, to help people improve self-awareness, explore emotions and beliefs, manage symptoms of anxiety and depression, adjust to and increase emotion regulation skills. You do not need natural artistic ability or to have artistic experience for art therapy to be helpful. The art is the process not the outcome. The creative techniques might include drawing, painting, collage, colouring, or sculpting to help people express themselves. A registered art therapist can guide you to reflect on the psychological and emotional undertones in your art  - this can be be helpful for people who find it difficult to speak about thoughts, emotions, and experiences. 

Art Therapy



We provide assessments for adults and older adolescents (16yrs+) experiencing difficulties with behaviour and/or thinking abilities including memory, learning, attention, language, reading, problem-solving and decision-making.

These assessments include diagnostic assessments, characterisation of strengths and weaknesses, and decision making capacity assessments.

Assessment involves a clinical interview and a range of individually administered tests. They can range from brief consultations to detailed comprehensive evaluations involving several hours of face-to-face contact.

Assessments allow us to recommend and provide treatment and rehabilitation strategies or plans targeted to individual psychological needs and personalities.​

We also provide:​

  • Personality assessments for older adolescents (16yrs+) and adults

  • Intellectual assessments for older adolescents (16yrs+) and adults 

Adult ADHD and Autism Assessments

With the hope of increasing the financial accessibility of assessments, we have developed two pathways for assessment, a briefer/targeted assessment and comprehensive assessment. It is important to us that these assessments are neurodiversity affirming. 

Briefer/targeted assessments of adult ADHD and/or Autism

The briefer/targeted psychological assessments involve focussed sessions with a psychologist to determine whether you meet the criteria for a particular diagnosis/identification. The briefer assessment involves a clinical interview with your psychologist so they can better get to know your needs and history, as well a structured diagnostic interview to determine whether you meet the criteria for Autism ASD and/or ADHD. You will also be asked to complete psychological questionnaires. 

At the end of the process, your psychologist will meet with you to go through your results and any diagnoses/identifications that have been made. They will also provide recommendations for follow-up treatment/supports and basic thinking and behaviour strategies. You and/or your referrer will receive a written report of your results.      


This briefer/targeted assessment could suit you

  • if you suspect you have ADHD and/or Autism and want to pursue a diagnosis/identification.

  • If you are primarily seeking the diagnosis/identification to help you understand yourself and your experience of the world.

Comprehensive assessments of adult ADHD and/or Autism

A comprehensive psychological assessment includes all of the aspects of a brief assessment as well as a detailed evaluation of your thinking and memory skills (i.e. cognitive abilities). This involves completing neuropsychological tests which measure problem-solving, verbal reasoning, visual and spatial skills, learning and memory, attention, and ‘higher level’ planning and organisation skills. 

At the end of a comprehensive psychological assessment, your psychologist will meet with you to go over your results including any diagnosis/identification, as well as your cognitive strengths and difficulties across different thinking and memory skills. Your psychologist will analyse your cognitive profile and provide you with detailed strategies that are matched to your strengths and weaknesses. You and/or your referrer will receive a comprehensive written report of your results and recommendations.

The comprehensive option could be a good fit for you:

  •  if you’d also like to understand your cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

  • If you need to a comprehensive report to support an NDIS application often chose this option.

  • If you also require assessment of other neurodivergences or conditions (such as learning disorders, possible dementia, or acquired brain injury

  • If your are an elite athlete whose medical team are seeking additional documentation to support to support a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) to allow you to utilise medications manage your ADHD

* Please note: if you are seeking medications for management of ADHD, you will require psychiatric opinion. We suggest you discuss whether your psychiatrist will consider the results of a psychological assessment prior to booking with us.

​Adult ADHD and Autism Assessments


Supervision and Peer Consultation

At YCP we value ongoing professional development and the provision of support to both colleagues and trainee clinicians. Most of our psychologists have been approved by the Psychology Board of Australia to act as supervisors. You can read more about our supervision services here.

YCP also runs small peer consultation groups that are open to local psychologists and other mental health clinicians. You can read about our peer consultation groups here

Supervison and Peer Consultation
Yarra City Psychology
Cup of tea
Psychology books
Clipboard and notepad
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