Dr Asawari Henderson (she/her)
Clinical Neuropsychologist and Board Approved Supervisor
Associate of YCP since 2017
I have a flexible, thorough, whole-person approach to assessment, and a warm and friendly style. My primary area of expertise is in the assessment and differential diagnosis of dementias, and other causes of memory and thinking problems in older adults. I have a special interest in the diagnosis of atypical dementias. I have extensive experience in the characterisation and management of cognitive changes associated with acquired brain injury (including traumatic brain injury and stroke), neurological conditions, and psychiatric disorders. I am also familiar with difficulties related to various learning disorders and developmental conditions. In addition, I am highly skilled in delineating cognitive strengths and weaknesses, delivering neuropsychological interventions, psychoeducation, return to work plans, and conducting assessments of decision-making capacity.
I have a strong understanding of the impact of mental health, anxiety, depression, stressors, lifestyle and other factors on cognitive functioning, and am passionate about helping others to optimise their brain health and function. I provide psychoeducation, counselling and neuropsychological interventions to assist those with memory and other thinking problems.
My experience and background
I have over a decade of experience working as a clinical neuropsychologist in major inpatient and outpatient specialist health services across Melbourne. I hold a senior clinical neuropsychologist position at Alfred Health in the Cognitive Decline and Memory Service clinic.
I am available for appointments:
Mondays (in-person or via telehealth)
select Saturdays
I am a board approved supervisor. I am able to offer supervision for:
psychologists working in addition to their placement
neuropsychology registrars (primary or secondary)
Bachelor Psychology (Honours)
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology)
Funding and Referral Options
Medicare Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP)
Medicare Chronic Disease (CDM) plan
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
Registered TAC Provider
Melbourne City Mission FRMP funding
Private Health Insurance rebates may apply
Therapeutic Supports under NDIS ‘Improved Daily Living’. Self-managed or plan-managed NDIS plans only.
Professional Memberships
Registered Psychologist with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
Registered Medicare Provider
Member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS)
Fellow of APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists
Board-Approved Supervisor
Therapeutic Modalities
Neuropsychological Interventions